Happy Earth Day! + eco tips

Two years ago today I was standing on the top on Emory peak at Big Bend National park. It’s hard to believe it’s been two years since that trip. Typically on earth day I find a beautiful hike to take in Texas’s natural beauty, but this year is a little different since all the public parks are closed. Instead of trail blazing, I’ll be taking the same neighborhood stroll that I’ve done every day (sometimes twice a day) during the pandemic. I may sound dismal but in fact these walk have kept me sane. Not to mention spring has been putting on a show.

^Emory Peak 2018

This time of year the streets are lined with all different types of roses and wildflowers. I never really noticed how much personality each different type of rose has. Some are more tight knit, while others love to spread out their petals and show their pistils. We even spotted a funky passion flower that was hiding amongst a rose bush. I don’t think I would have taken my time to really stop and smell the roses if we hadn’t been forced to slow down. This time has really allowed me to sit with my thoughts and mull over how this pandemic has affected our lives as well as the environment.

I’ve been thinking a lot about mama earth during this time. With people not driving to work anymore; surely greenhouse gasses have subsided…right? Now that humans aren’t crowding beaches and trails, animals can come out to play…right? Maybe there are a few upsides that have come from social distancing, but let us not forget we are still fighting an environmental war every single day. And no, I’m no mother Teresa when it comes to being green, but I’ve tried to implement as many positive practices as possible. How during this pandemic can you care for mamma earth? Here’s a few ways:

  1. Disposable masks are starting to make their way to the landfills. Consider making a DIY one of your own. Wether you’re a talented seamstresses or kinda crafty you can find so many do-it-yourself reusable face-masks on the internet. Like these.
  2. Start a garden! Even with food scraps that you already have. Have an avocado pit? Grow a little tree! Maybe you have some old potatoes that are growing roots. Throw em in a pot! You don’t have to spend a bunch of money at the nursery to grow your own food. Here are a few tips.
  3. Support a political candidate in your area or do some research on how your city or state is making efforts in going green. You can find some information about the politics in Texas here

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! How are you spending your Earth day? Make sure you get outside and stop to smell the roses!

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